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The on-chain naming vote for the HENC community project (fact sheet)
- Authors
- Name
- MerchantCoppola
- MerchantCoppola
- Name
- Nagualito
- nagualbox
- Name
- Malicious Sheep
- malsheep56
- Name
- Turbulent Determinism
- @turbulentdeterm/
Answering the most common questions about the naming vote, the process behind it, background info on the project and how to participate.
Table of Contents
The tezos platform formerly known as “hicetnunc” needs a new name.
We are choosing a new name for the instances of the platform formerly known as “hicetnunc" that are run by participants of the “hen_community” discord server in order to move forward with development and building of a DAO structure to make this platform truly community owned.
These existing hicetnunc instances will still be reachable through their domains (i.e. “hicetnunc.art”) for the time being, as well as their new domains once the new name is decided.
how to vote
If you sync your wallet to our voting tool vote.teia.art, you can vote for your favourite name from a shortlist of 10 names (link to the vote below).
Note that only hicetnunc wallets created before Jan16th 2022 and that are not banned are eligible to vote in order to prevent a dilution of the vote due to the creation of new accounts to gain voting power. You can change your vote while the voting round is ongoing by voting again (you will still only have 1 vote).
There will be 2 on-chain voting rounds: The first round will be on a shortlist of 10 name options, the second (run-off) round will start after the first round and include the top 2 voted on names from round 1.
Voting round 1 will run from 2022-01-18 00:00 UTC until 2022-01-25 00:00 UTC Click here to access the voting page
Voting round 2 (run off) is estimated to run from 2022-01-26 00:00 UTC until 2022-01-31 00:00 UTC (we might need to slightly change that)
Briefly, how we got here:
The founder of hicetnunc, crzypatchwork, announced the end of his experiment/platform on 11/11/2021. The original domain (hicetnunc.xyz) is since unreachable and the name has not been made available. The hen community has organized itself to begin a new chapter in the history of the hicetnunc community. We aim to continue the spirit of hicetnunc on the tezos blockchain for those that rely on its accessibility and to step further into decentralization of the platform.
One fundamental point to proceed with this new platform is to choose a new name. This will enable things like funding development and applying for grants, and will allow the community to move forward together under one shared name, while avoiding confusion and legal liability.
The naming process started with an open suggestion form on the “hen_community” (HENC) discord. These suggestions were then filtered and voted on. This list was then discussed in discord and evaluated with the help of an international lawyer and a team of branding professionals. The evaluation was to prevent conflicts with existing trademarks, NFT sites, and crypto services. The evaluation resulted in a filtered/transformed list of 30 names, which were narrowed down to 10 options (the maximum number of options on henvote).
We aknowledge that this naming process was done rather pragmatically and the first rounds were done on the open henc discord server without a proper quorum of the whole userbase of hicetnunc. Once a DAO is formed and implemented, it will be possible to revisit the naming of the platform via a proper DAO vote, if that is desired by the community. The process of forming a DAO is expected to take at least six months.
For more details about this process and the people that keep this platform running, read the FAQ section below, join the discord, or check out these recaps of the discussions
- recap of the naming discussion with branding team and branding lawyers statements Discord RECAP Dec12-Dec16 (incl. naming discussion material)
- recap of the last community catchup WRITEUP/RECAP for the 3rd catch-up meeting Sunday, Dec19, 12PM UTC and discord recap until 20th of dec - #3 by MerchantCoppola
- evaluation of the names on the longlist by the branding team. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1G-vqVif0oLX3x3tqeL7twXn4lTsHkTHf/view 1
- Why do we need to pick a new name, can’t we just keep “hicetnunc”?
The open community discord server that currently runs this website decided via discord vote that a rebranding/renaming is necessary to move on.
Crzypatchwork, the creator of hicetnunc has discontinued the project and website “hicetnunc” and did not pass on the name, the admin rights and keys to the original domain (hicetnunc.xyz), github and smartcontracts. He also stated (via dm to people from the hicetnunc core team) that he doesn’t want the name to be used here, unfortunately no official statement regarding the name was made. While he technically doesn’t hold an official trademark on the name, he can try to claim the name and brand as his IP and/or continue his project later or in a different shape or form. Because of this, it is important to choose a new name at this point in time. Furthermore, a new name will represent a new start in terms of community governance of the new platform and development of a DAO.
So for now, we need to determine a new name for the hen instances and community platforms that we currently run. Once we can have a proper DAO formed, a name change may possibly be considered if desired by the community via quorum.
- What will change with the new name?
The situation for all the hicetnunc tokens will not change: they will still be visible and tradable on this platform. Also, the general website UI will stay the same for now with updates being decided collectively. The only difference will be the logo and the displayed name. The new name itself will be used for further outside communication and development; we will use it to refer to the platform(s) etc. Currently working domains (like hicetnunc.art) will stay operational for now, so existing links should still work after the renaming.
- How did this shortlist come about?
The naming process has taken place in the new HENC discord over the past few months since the discontinuation of the original site via open discussion and discord vote. We collected name suggestions within an open google doc and voted on discord to arrive at 10 names, which we handed over to a team of branding experts and an international branding lawyer to evaluate. A lot of popular name suggestions were already in use by crypto projects so the branding team came up with variations on those names and we voted once more to arrive at these 10 options we are voting on now.
- Why only 10 names?
The henvote system, which this vote here relies on, currently only supports a maximum of 10 options. Thus we had to shorten the list of potential names to 10 in order to be able to vote on-chain with hen wallets.
- Why didn’t you wait with the naming process for a DAO to be formed to have a proper community quorum? Why did you use discord to vote for the shortlist? Why the rush?
This new name is necessary to move forward with grant applications, the formation and implementation of the DAO, and to continue work on the many moving parts that need to be put in place to strengthen the platform. The consensus in the discord was to move forward pragmatically and quickly, rather than becoming bogged down in further months of voting and discussing.
- What is henvote.xyz?
Henvote is an on-chain voting tool developed during the hicathon specifically for straight-forward on-chain voting by hicetnunc wallets. This tool will be used for voting purposes around this community until we have a fully formed DAO structure implemented. you can find more information on https://vote.teia.art
- What weight does my vote have? Why can only wallets participate that were created before 16/11/2021?
For this naming vote, every wallet will have the same voting weight of 1 vote per round. The cutoff date of the day (a few days before voting starts) is a straight-forward filter to prevent participants from creating new (multiple) accounts to get more voting weight.
- Who is behind this platform now?
Right after the discontinuation of hicetnunc.xyz on November 11th, 2021, a group of people (initially mainly participants of the first “hicathon” event) joined forces to organize the future of the platform. The main discussion platform is the new “hen_community” (HENC) discord server and the community discourse forum. We are currently working on forming a DAO in order to make this platform fully decentralized.
Our main goal for now is is to keep the core values and spirit of hicetnunc alive and keeping the platform accessible to vereyone. The next step will be to update the marketplace smart contract so that the fees can be used to keep the platform running; Currently all platform fees still go to crzypatchwork.
The discord is always open for any kind of participation, and we will continue to do our best to communicate and engage with the community on platforms other than discord.
- How to participate?
- You can join the HENC discord here
- You can also participate without joining the discord via the community discourse forum: discourse.teia.art
- For updates, you can follow our current twitter account: @hen_community and our blog (currently under construction)
- Volunteer opportunities are available! If you are interested, please fill out this google form so we can get a overview and start coordinating the working groups: (Note: This is not a prerequisite for participation; Anyone can join and participate, discuss and look up past discussions. )