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Teia Newsletter #13 - December 10th 2022
- Authors
- Name
- CaRoLyN
- CarolynM8ri3
- Name
- MerchantCoppola
- MerchantCoppola
- Name
- Turbulent Determinism
- @turbulentdeterm/
Paperwork, New Socials, Turbo-Upgrades and Fundraiser Reports
It has been some time since the last newsletter, but this does not mean there is nothing to update all you Teians about, quite the contrary. We will take a look at the state of Teia’s incorporation as a non-profit organisation, the huge upgrade Teia will get in early 2023, some past community event postmortems, the pledge to respect artists royalties, and new social media spaces for our community.
Oh, and also: We passed 800.000 OBJKTs minted on the hicetnunc contract!
Our old friend, the Table of Contents is back to give you a quick overview of what the winter has in store for us:
Table of Contents
Tales From The Registration: Operating Agreement Signed, Sealed, and Delivered to MIDAO!
Over a year of organising and many months of preparation have build up to this: The official paperwork registering Teia DAO LLC in the Republic of the Marshall Islands has been completed, signed, and submitted for processing! Now we will only have to wait for the process to complete for Teia to become a official Legal entity, we expect the process to take about 4 weeks from now, after which we will be able to activate the 2.5% fees for the marketplace and gather funds for all the costs.
After that the next big step will be finishing the DAO setup by settling on a distribution for our DAO Tokens, distributing them, and then starting to use the DAO smart-contracts with the whole community.
Until that a multi-sig wallet of roughly 20 core team members will be the official owner of our DAO, so we can distribute the Tokens in a legally safe manner.
Thanks to everyone who has stuck with the Community and been active on Teia throughout the past year. We are excited for what the future holds and look forward to the next phase of our collective journey.
From the Tech department: Stuff is happening
TezTok has received a Tezos Foundation grant for developing plug-ins and switching from Hicdex to TezTok as Teia’s Indexer. TezTok is a GraphQL indexer for the whole Tezos NFT ecosystem that normalizes token data from the different Tezos marketplaces/tokens.
Teia using TezTok will improve the speed of the website, the stability of the indexer and will also unlock some new features for the User Experience like better Token history, smooth integration of other marketplace contracts like Versum’s upcoming OBJKT token swaps.
The grant also covers a few nice UI updates which will be worked on over the next month:
- A new main feed with the option to show prices and editions.
- Masonry feed.
- Improved Filtering options for feed and collection pages.
- General design updates.
The TezTok integration is scheduled to happen in early 2023.
In short: We will soon see a lot of visual changes to the Marketplace, stay tuned!
New Feature: Thumbnail Previews are Here!
You may have already noticed that your teia.art URLs auto-populate a preview image for each OBJKT when sharing an OBJKT link on social media like Twitter, Discord, Mastodon, etc.
This is one of the latest site features which has been rolled out in the past couple months. Thanks to the dev teams for the smooth integration.
UI Update: Collabs Added to Creations Tab
As announced in the last Newsletter, Pieces minted with only one core creator and only beneficiaries will now be displayed on the main “creations” tab of the sole core collaborator. This will increase visibility, especially for Fundraiser pieces that have been created by only one artist with a split contract. The Collab tab is still live. It will remain only for your collaborations, and it will be visible be in both tabs.
Fundraiser Updates
2022 showed that Teians care about making a difference and raising awareness and money for humanitarian crisis: There have been 3 Tezos-wide Fundraiser events this year: Save Ukraine, SavePakistan and Tezos4Iran.
For SavePakistan this far (Dec 4th) 15752 Tezos have been raised and handed off to SavePakistan/Tayaba and 10837 Artworks (counting every fx(hash) edition as a separate artwork) where minted for the event.
Tayaba is doing an outstanding job at providing extremely transparent and in-depth and easy to read Reports on their impact on the ground. They just forwarded us the November Report Which you can read on our Github. It covers details about the relief efforts successfully implemented in MirpurKhaas, Pakistan. The relief packages have facilitated the survival of over 2500 flood victims according to Tayaba.
Taking it to Another Chain: The Space SavePakistan
The Space Game is collaborative pixel drawing game; in a “Fair and Commonly Owned Public Space Inspired by r/place and Governed by Radical Markets” which uses Polygon. The Space would like to SavePakistan with you together. They have created "SavePakistan with H2O wheel together" on the Space pixel drawing platform and minted the image on Objkt: SavePakistan with H2O wheel together for 0.5 xtz. See the Event Details. (90% of proceeds go to the #SavePakistan wallet directly.) For more information or questions please visit The Space’s Discord Server.
Teia’s Fundraiser in solidarity with the Protests in Iran has already raised so far (Dec 4th): 6734 Tezos.
Unfortunately, our off-ramping partners from Crypto For Charity informed us last month that the chosen organisation “United 4 Iran” is no longer eligible to receive donations through their service. Therefore we had to find new beneficiaries for the funds. After a long discussion and research we settled on splitting the donations between the two following organsiations, which are actively working on advocating for human rights in Iran & documenting and providing support for the protests:
- Abdorrahman Boroumand Center for Human Rights in Iran (ABC): This organisation has been suggested to us by United 4 Iran. It has a long history in advocating for civil rights for Iranian people as well as documenting human rights violations by the Iranian regime and supporting protests. They maintain the Omid Memorial which documents info on over 25,000 prisoners, and they also maintain databases of executions, assassinations and floggings.
- Center For Human rights in Iran: (CHRI) is an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit organisation working to protect and promote human rights in Iran. Headquartered in New York, CHRI is comprised of award-winning journalists, researchers, lawyers, activists, writers, multimedia specialists and advocates based around the world who work to support the basic rights and freedoms of the Iranian people.
For more Details on this, please refer to the detailed announcement on our previous blog post.
Chant - GoFundMe Campaign for Iran
Tezos Community Iranian American Artist Amir H. Fallah has created a fundraising effort in support of the Iranian people who are facing horrific violence and death at the hands of the Iranian Regime and its security forces. Amir has designed a large neon installation which states "Woman Life Freedom" in English, Farsi and Phonetic Farsi with a prominent sun. The fundraiser is to raise funds for its construction and installation on the front of a prominent gallery in Hollywood, California.
Amir hopes to use "Chant" as an awareness and education tool, which will then be made available for sale. 100% of the proceeds of the sale of the work will be donated to organizations which fight for human rights worldwide such as Omid Foundation, Amnesty International and The Center for Human Rights In Iran.
Please donate if you are able and share this fundraiser with your networks - any and all efforts towards awareness are valuable in the fight for human rights and justice for the people. Amir's full statement available in the GoFundMe description
The Big Twitter Exodus: New Social Spaces For Teia Community
Since November Teia has been branching out and exploring more social media platforms. Mastodon and Tumblr are now home to Teia.
Mastodon.teia.art: Who Dis?
Mastodon is a decentralised social media software that has a somewhat similar functionality like Twitter but is open sourced and runs on so called instances (servers) that can be set up by anyone, instead of twitters central infrastructure that has only “one server” and therefore relies on twitter to be maintained.
Mastodon’s decentralized architecture of course fits the decentralised spirit of Teia very well, so we set up our own Mastodon instance here:
You can join the instance by simply signing up on that link. You will be able to follow and interact with people signed up on other instances, so don't be afraid to join a smaller instance like ours. There are even ways to port profiles from one instance to another.
Please note that Direct Messages on mastodon are not private or encrypted and you should use Mastodon only for sharing info that you are comfortable with sharing publicly.
We have a nice little group of Teians on Mastodon that have been testing the instance for a few weeks now. Join us!
Tumblr: Old is the New New
teia-art.tumblr.com is Teia’s new home on the old-school micro-blogging platform Tumblr. We’re still in the early days of exploring this for Teia, but we would like to have community participation from our members. Tumblr allows for shared management of blogs; if you’re a Tumblr fanatic who’d like to help share some Teia Love, please come and say hello in our Discord #social-media channel!
Respect Royalties
In November Tezos Marketplaces Teia, Ojbkt, Versum, and fx(hash) all committed to empowering web3 artists by protecting artists earning rights and vowing never to switch to 0% creator royalties.
Teia Logo Rotation Drive & DIY Swag Kit Open-Call
Last year our community-led rebranding-logo quest began Nov. 17. The same day the name "Teia = web" is suggested by @globpoderoso and the rest is herstory.
Teia is commemorating the First Year of Teia Logos by creating an open-source Teia DIY Swag Kit for use by the broader community on & offline (print and branding). Artists who submitted PNG logos to for the website and want their logos included in the Teia DIY Swag Kit, please re-submit your designs as a black SVG with transparent background.
Submission form here. (There are no limits to how many designs you may submit.)
StillHereNow RIPHEN Twitter Spaces
In November, the Tezos art community remembered the anniversary of hicetnunc discontinuation and celebrated decentralisation, the community as a whole and the good old times! On November 19, The Community curation team organised a Twitter space around this event, the recording of which you can find on the Teia Community YouTube channel: