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Tezos art Initiative to help Ukraine
- Authors
- Name
- MerchantCoppola
- MerchantCoppola
In support for our Ukrainian friends, brothers and sisters, Veqtor from Versum in conjunction with FxHash set up a shared donation contract that will redirect tezos to multiple charity orgs (listed below) in support of Ukraine relief,
The Teia Community wants to help support this initiative alongside Versum, FxHash and objkt.com, who all joined in donating to that contract.
The organisations chosen are all non-militarian (medical, aid, journalism, etc.) and the list can be changed if certain organisations are found to be problematic later on.
Everyone can help by supporting Ukrainian artists, donating tezos, raising money via NFTsales, collect or share fundraiser art and spread the word about this initiative!
NFTBiker set up an overview Page for the Event, where you can see the amount of money raised, the money already sent out to the orgs and the OBJKT that are minted with the collab contract so that profits & royalties are redirected to the donation smart contract: https://nftbiker.xyz/event/supportukraine
He also built a page that lists OBJKTs by Ukranian Artists: https://nftbiker.xyz/event/ukraine
How to donate
If you wish to donate, you can send tezos directly to the following address:
verify the contracts transactions on tzkt.io
Please don't send any NFTs to that address, they cant be sold from there!
If you want to raise money by minting/selling NFTs on Teia.art you can follow the instructions on our wiki Article on how to set up a collab contract to support the Initiative
read more and spread the word on twitter
- Tweet announcement by Teia Community
- Twitter announcement by FxHash
- Twitter announcement by Veqtor (Versum)
Supported Organisations
The currently supported organisations (taken from this list by @TheGivingBlock) with this fundraiser contract are: